25 April, 2009


"Liberty is our most precious virtue.
When liberty confronts discipline, if the latter violates the former, choose liberty"

Prof DeRose

Today, 25th April, Portugal celebrates "The Liberty day". And today, as all the others, it 's a good day to question: 'Where have you been you?'

Where is our Liberty, if our life in which we live in its foremost aspects is discipline.

Liberty is at itself a discipline. It is not something that others give us or not, or allow us to have or not; less than that is too far from depending of external conditions. Liberty is always related to self discipline. Liberty that everybody seems to own it’s not more than an illusion, conducted by costumes and society.

Our options can be much more extended and bigger than the ones we’ve had some decades ago, but even than they are still limited if we consider the infinite limit of possibilities (if you allow yourself to that).

To have consciousness about real Liberty, let us become “the lords” of our destiny. A colossal power to change our life according to our wills. To be what we want to be and change what we want to change. Liberty to do or not to do, to be or not to be.

Our Liberty is our biggest power. (we have the power but we are not the all-powerful)
Let's keep her closer, not because today it's "the day" but today is like tomorrow, like after tomorrow, our day.
And all days are ours.
(Possessive? Noooooooooo...)

(Macanudo by Liniers)

For what it's worth

new Placebo single

24 April, 2009

'take love as it comes'

London @cadavezmaisgostomaisdetiprontos.co.uk

One of the never ending joys of living in what we call London, is going somewhere that you may have walked past before without even realising it's existence.
(like some few interesting people)

16 April, 2009

Change the World

The Incredible Veggie Show


Going vegetarian is the most effective single thing you can do to make this world a kinder, fairer and better place and it improves your own health. There has never been a better time to make the change: the choice of food available to vegetarians has never been more varied or more appetizing – and the scale of destruction caused by the global meat business has never been greater. Join the millions of people who have already chosen to celebrate life, and turn vegetarian today. Find out everything you need to know right here, from why going veggie is so important to where you can find the best vegetarian food.

Save Animals :: In the UK alone, 850 million animals and hundreds of millions of fish are killed every year to put meat on tables – that’s more than three million animals a day. Before they are slaughtered, hundreds of millions lead desolate, disease-ridden lives on factory farms. Turning vegetarian means you’re no longer a part of that cycle of death.

Save the Planet :: Rainforests are cleared for grazing; methane from livestock causes global warming; soil is eroded by cattle; slurry poisons waterways; and the seas are laid to waste by overfishing. The global appetite for meat and the industrial techniques of the meat industry are destroying the Earth.

Save Others :: While 750 million people go to bed hungry every night, one-third of the world’s grain is fed to farmed animals. A typical Western meat-based diet can only feed 2.5 billion people: a plant-based diet will feed every one of us.

Save Yourself :: Vegetarians live longer and suffer less from diseases such as hypertension, obesity, coronary artery disease, certain kinds of cancer and diabetes.

(source www.viva.org.uk)

13 April, 2009

Trabalhos pesados de inicio de semana

- Apetece-me sair?!
- Para onde?
- Nao interessa. Na verdade so nao me apetece ficar aqui dentro. (quintal inclusive)

Condicoes externas: o ceu apresenta-se nublado (muito nublado). Esta frio e a cor predominante e o cinzento.

O sofa diz "vem... vem...". Tem umas bolachinhas em cima da mesa de centro que dizem "come-me... come-me..". Tem um filme (muito fixe) que me espreita pelo DVD e a manta escocesa aos quadradrinhos nao para de se rir para mim.

- Porra...
ganhaste! Mas so porque hoje e segunda-feira!
- 'Ta bem! (Mas eu ganho-te sempre)

... e saimos!

(Ainda bem que viemos - Parte I)

Desportos radicais para um Domingo

Uma mesa bem posta. Uma toalha imaculadamente branca enfeitada com uma jarra de flores.
Um cha. E muitos muitos muitos bolos "tipo.os.da.casa.da.avo" para experimentar.
E agora e so olhar as pessoas la fora a passar...
Hummm (Nice things)

(Ainda bem que viemos - Parte II)